Sunday, April 30, 2006

Moving Out Of Your Writing Box (Writing)

You are undoubtedly a certain kind of writer. You are a crime fiction writer or a screenwriter or a novelist. And this is what you end up writing 90 % of the time. This is not a bad thing. It is wise, as the writing books tell us, to specialize.

However, every once in awhile, it is good to move out of that writing box and do something that you don't normally write. But please understand, I am not suggesting you become a fiction writer if all you do is write articles for magazines such as Woodworking Today.

Like everything in life, it is good to get out of your usual routine and maybe write about something that initial doesn't sound like something that appeals to you, or writing in a fashion that is slightly foreign to you.

Recently I did two things that are totally unlike my present day writing - I entered a contest and wrote a creative non fiction piece for it.

Both of these terrified the hell out of me, as does anything new and unfamiliar. But man was I pleased when I had completed it. Usually I pump out 800-1000 word articles and essays. And while this is never an easy feat, I couldn't believe how hard it was to write the minimum requirement of 2000 words. It took me two and a half days, much longer than I usually spend on anything outside of book entries or edits. And there were times when I thought I would not be able to complete it. My abilities as a creative person would fail me and I would be stuck at 1259 words and nothing else would come to me. Ever.

But I did it and it was one of my favourite days in my writing career, and that's why I wanted to tell you about it. It feels good to do something scary.

I don't care about winning the contest. I am just thrilled that I took the chance and entered - something I would have never done before now.

So today, after I finish this entry, I am going to sit down and think of the things that I would like to do or try, but have been afraid to start. I think it's time to put aside my "to do" list and start crossing off items on the one entitled "to don't."

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